Compliance Officer Strategies for the Changing Text Archiving and Call Monitoring Landscape

The compliance officer plays a critical role in ensuring that business operations are conducted in a compliant manner. Whether that means ensuring that all employees adhere to the rules and regulations of the company or monitoring how agents use their time when resolving customer issues, compliance officers must be proactive to ensure that they’re keeping up with the ever-changing regulatory environment and protecting the organization from potential liability like WeChat fines and other penalties that may arise along the way.

The Compliance Officer Strategies for Text and Call Monitoring

With a wide variety of communication channels available to companies, they must maintain a system to effectively monitor those communication channels to help compliance officers identify and resolve violations. This can be accomplished by deploying an omnichannel compliance platform that offers voice, email, chat, video channel monitoring, text message, or live recording in the workplace.

One of the first steps is to establish goals and measures that will allow leadership to assess the effectiveness of the current compliance program. This will help the compliance officer develop strategiesto ensure a strong culture of compliance within the organization and proactively manage and prevent compliance issues.

Here are some things to do or consider in improving compliance strategies in a company:

Set up a compliance composed of representatives from each department within the organization.

They will serve as a source of information for the compliance officer and assist in coordinating and communicating the compliance activities and risk areas with other individual departments.

Regardless of the size of your organization, it is vital to have compliance policies and documents managed and appropriately stored in a permanent record. It is also essential to rescind any documents that are no longer valid or relevant.

Let training employees learn the rules as well.

In addition to having policy documents managed and stored, training employees to adhere to these policies is also necessary. Ideally, this training should be provided by a compliance officer or a person with formal education and certification in the compliance field.

As the laws and regulations surrounding text and call monitoring change, it is vital to have staff members who are up-to-date on these changes. This will allow them to report compliance concerns during exit interviews and help the organization mitigate False Claims Act (FCA) liabilities or other financial risks.


The best way to keep track of the latest compliance guidelines and regulations is by reading the latest news and press releases from organizations. Additionally, it is a good idea to set up Google Alerts to automatically send you emails with relevant keywords, regulations, and phrases related to your industry.

Check this infographic by TeleMessage to learn more about text and call monitoring for compliance officers.


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