Consequences Of Losing Your Natural Teeth - District Dentistry

Is It Possible To Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces?

Are you tired of having foul breath, tooth decay, or other oral health problems despite taking care of your teeth on a regular basis? You might be making some common dental care mistakes without even knowing it. But do not worry; in Fresno, a skilled dentist can help you recognize and fix these mistakes, helping you to have a happier, healthier smile. Whether it is addressing improper brushing techniques, overlooked areas during flossing, or identifying the need for preventive treatments, a skilled Fresno cosmetic dentist can tailor a plan to suit your specific oral health needs. 

How can you straighten your teeth without braces?

Patients with crooked teeth are at greater risk of developing cavities, periodontal disease, dental damage, or even tooth loss. Crooked teeth are more complicated to clean, which can lead to severe dental issues. Straightening crooked teeth improves not only the appearance of your smile but also your overall dental health.

Patients with crooked teeth might experience:

  • Chronic headaches and migraines.
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • discomfort in the jaw.
  • Difficulty chewing 
  • TMJ

Your dentist will do an extensive oral exam to find the best course of action for your dental needs. Depending on your requirements, your dentist may recommend any of the following procedures:

  • Dental bonding

Dental bonding is a quick and cost-effective way to fix crooked teeth. The bonded material can be sculpted, molded, and color-matched to improve the appearance of a broken or misaligned smile. Dental bonding is commonly used to treat minor orthodontic issues.

  • Invisible braces

Invisible braces are transparent, removable aligners that slowly straighten misaligned teeth. Invisible braces can quickly and discreetly correct crooked teeth, making them an excellent treatment option for teenagers and adults with low to moderate orthodontic problems. Invisible braces have the extra benefit of eliminating food and oral hygiene restrictions.

Invisalign consists of transparent plastic trays which slide over the teeth. Your orthodontist will use X-rays and 3D imaging to construct clear, custom-fit aligners that you will wear for at least 22 hours every day. Aligners, like braces, work by gently shifting teeth into position. They are different from braces in almost every other way. The appealing feature of Invisalign is that the aligners are composed of plastic, which reduces mouth ulcers and gum discomfort linked to traditional braces. 

  • Dental veneers

Porcelain veneers are viewed as permanent restorations. Porcelain veneers are made from professional-grade porcelain ceramic and have been customized to deliver natural-looking, stunning results. Porcelain veneers can completely fix a crooked or uneven smile.

Dentistry has come a long way in providing remedies to patients looking to improve their smiles. There is just no need to live with crooked, uncomfortable, or ugly teeth. You can get the straight, healthy teeth you have always desired by visiting your nearby dentist.

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