
Understand the Denver Laws About Animal Hurt

One of the vital roles of Denver dog bite lawyers is to help victims of dog attacks in Colorado to understand how the personal injury laws work in the State. Denver, like every other state within the US, may have specific laws concerning issues of public interest. One of these is the way dog bite injuries and other personal injury claims are handled.

The State of Colorado recognizes the liability of pet owners to pay compensation to victims who;

  1. Legally occupied the scene where the incident occurred.
  2. Get “serious bodily harm”, which may put the person at risk of death, deformation, broken limbs, and permanent damage to any organ.

Victims who qualify for such compensation can claim either economic or other damages.

  1. Economic damages: According to Colorado personal injury laws, economic compensation can only be claimed under the following: medical expenses. Once your Denver dog bite lawyers can prove that you were bitten, got medical expenses, and have some personal injuries which could affect their future earning potential,
  2. Other damages like pain and suffering are not awarded compensations, but you can file for such claims under the negligence actions.

Non-liable Incidents

In Colorado, if dog attacks result from the following situations, the owner may not be liable:

  1. Unlawful trespass of lands
  2. If a warning about the dog was made prior to the accident
  3. If the accident happens occurred during a military operation
  4. If the victim provoked the dog
  5. Dog handlers, vets., etc. getting injured

Animal owners who have received previous complaints about their animals but refuse to take action may be liable if the animal attacks someone. Sometimes, if the animal has not attacked someone before, the court may give lenient judgment. Strict liability will only take effect in the first case where the animal has previous instances of attack.

In filing your claims, you must make sure to have proof of injury, proof of liability (of the owner), and your medical insurance details. These are crucial to the success of your claim.

You may also decide to request that the owners put the dog down. Colorado’s law makes a provision for victims to request that a dog goes down, especially if it has a history of violence. If the order is given, then a vet or other qualified personnel takes care of the process.

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