What to Expect During a Spinal Decompression Therapy Session

Spinal decompression therapy is a non-surgical treatment option that is gaining popularity among those suffering from chronic back pain. The therapy aims to relieve pressure on the spine by stretching and relaxing the spine. It process is carried out by trained therapists in a clinical setting. Discuss what to expect during a spinal decompression therapy session. Starting the therapy, the therapist conducts a consultation to evaluate the patient’s condition. They take a detailed medical history, including any previous injuries or surgeries related to the back. Also assess the patient’s posture, range of motion, and any signs of nerve damage.

The therapist instructs the patient to wear comfortable clothes, and they lie down on a specially designed table. The patient’s legs and hips will be secured to the table, and a harness placed around the waist. The therapist n attaches a set of pulleys to the harness. This is might include stretching, strengthening, and balancing exercises. The therapist will ask the patient to complete a range of movements while the pulleys provide resistance.

  • The therapist will then initiate the traction phase by slowly pulling the patient’s spine in a controlled manner. This traction causes the vertebrae in the spinal decompression therapy brampton to separate, creating negative pressure inside the spinal disc. This negative pressure pulls the herniated or bulging disc back into place, reducing the pressure on the nerves and relieving pain.
  • After a few minutes of traction, the therapist l initiates the relaxation phase. During this phase, the pulleys release the tension on the spine, allowing the patient to relax for a short period. This relaxation phase allows the blood flow to improve, reducing inflammation and providing oxygen and nutrients to the injured area.

Repetition- The therapist will repeat this cycle of traction and relaxation for about 30-45 minutes, depending on the patient’s condition. The repetition of this cycle is crucial to ensure that the patient receives maximum benefit from the therapy. After the therapy, the therapist will instruct the patient on the proper post-therapy care. This may include exercises, stretches, or lifestyle changes that prevent future back problems.

Therapy sessions are required depending on the patient’s condition. Some patients may require only a few sessions; others may need several weeks of therapy. Follow-up sessions scheduled to monitor the patient’s progress and make any necessary adjustments to the therapy.

Spinal decompression therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for chronic back pain. Patients expect to feel some relief after the first session, but the benefits of the therapy become more apparent with regular sessions. If you are suffering from chronic back pain, consult with spinal decompression therapy to determine if this treatment option is right for you.



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